How do you delete cookies?

Cookies are essential for a personalized online experience, but they can also present privacy challenges. Managing and deleting cookies gives users control over their online privacy. In this blog, we look at how this can be easily done through different browsers.
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Google Chrome:

1. Open Google Chrome on your desktop.

2. At the top right of your screen, click on the 3 dots, then select "settings.

3. In the left column, click on "privacy and security.

4. Next, go to "third-party cookies.

5. Finally, click "View all site details and permissions.

6. There is the list of all websites where you have ever accepted cookies. If you want to delete all cookies at once press "delete all data" or go through all websites 1 by 1 and click on the trash can to the right of the website.

7. Then click delete to confirm.


1. Open Safari on your MacBook/iMac.

2. Click "Safari" in the upper left corner and go to "settings.

3. Next, go to the privacy heading.

4. There you will see "manage website data.

5. If you clicked that, you will see all the websites where cookies are turned on. You can delete them all at once by clicking 'delete all'. If you prefer to do it per website; click on the website where you want to delete the cookies and then click 'delete'.

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What are cookies?

Most common questions

Is it okay to delete cookies?
What happens if you reject cookies?
Why do I have to accept cookies over and over again?
How do you delete cookies on your iPhone?