Measure 100% of conversions without interference from adblockers, operating systems and browsers. In addition, increase conversions by having your specialists use the AdPage conversion platform.
These days, we are increasingly given the option online to counteract the tracking of our data. Browsers block visitor activity on your clients' websites, often preventing you from measuring which visitors we've managed to convert. Your clients therefore miss out on conversions and don't know where certain conversions came from.
With server-side tagging from AdPage, we make sure that we no longer miss out on conversions. This allows you to give your clients confidence again that your work is leading to more conversions.
What distinguishes a successful marketing campaign with lots of conversions from an ineffective campaign with lots of clicks but no conversions? A landing page with as few distractions as possible and a clear focal point.
On the AdPage conversion platform, you can build beautiful landing pages in no time that will make your campaigns convert better. You can also build profile-enriching forms and popups to learn more about your visitors and convert them into leads.
We understand how important it is to indicate to your clients how much revenue was realized from your online marketing activities.
With server-side tagging, you make sure that you make your realized revenue transparent to your client. With the AdPage conversion platform, you can optimize your campaigns for your clients through the use of converting landing pages, extensive multistep forms and popups that are applicable to any site.
Have your employees work together on successful client cases. Divide client projects into different work areas and allow employees to work with each other in appropriate work areas.
Invite colleagues or partners and give them the appropriate permissions to build effective landing pages, popups or multistep forms.
Manage everything in a central environment. Set all settings once, such as the corporate identity, integrations, scripts, custom codes and the link with your domain name.
Save sections within your account so you can reuse them in other projects and other workspaces.
Don't get passed over by other marketing agencies that use AdPage to achieve extremely good results for clients and grow their own marketing agency.