Optimize campaigns based on profit
Optimize your campaigns based on profit instead of revenue. With POAS (Profit On Ad Spend), we calculate profit based on your XML feed and send these profit figures to channels such as Google Ads, GA4 and Meta.
This allows you to save on your advertising costs and sell your products with the highest margins.
Optimize by margin
Think with your customers by optimizing based on margin.
By integrating POAS for our client, we have a much better overview of how profitable the campaigns are. As a result, we can scale up with more confidence.
Together with our partners, we build data-driven solutions for tracking and conversion optimization
Make your ads work for you
Send accurate profit margin data to Google Ads and Meta Ads so that the algorithm of these platforms can be optimized to generate more profit for your business.
How do you set up POAS?
One-time setup via an XML feed you can generate through Channable or other channels that automatically adds the cost of purchased products to the purchase event.