1:1 insight into conversions through AdPage Tagging

Rico is Online Marker at online marketing agency Tree Online. After implementing server-side tagging for one of their clients, we spoke to Rico about his experiences.
Online Marketer

AdPage helped us tremendously in optimizing the campaigns for our client. Their precise way of working has given us 1:1 insight into the conversions, both in Google Analytics and Google Ads. This has allowed us to successfully optimize the campaigns and therefore maximize conversions.

The added value of AdPage for us as a marketing agency is great. Thanks to their tracking solution, we can again collect very accurate data for the benefit of campaigns and thus prove our added value to our clients even more.

What really sets AdPage apart is the personal guidance and support they offer. In addition, all technical knowledge is in-house, which means that the technical handling can be outsourced to AdPage. As a result, they take a lot of work off our hands.

Thanks to their tracking solution, we can again gather very accurate data for the benefit of campaigns and thus prove even more our added value to our customers.

Set up server-side tagging

And again, make sure you can accurately measure the visitor journey while ensuring your visitors' privacy.

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