65% more conversions measured by server-side tagging

Pienter is an online marketing agency with years of experience in SEO, SEA, content and social media. "Learning by doing and using your brain in a down-to-earth way." That is Pienter's approach and with it they help companies get a step further. As a verified Consultancy Partner of AdPage, they have already been able to convert several clients to server-side tagging. They and their clients are certainly reaping the benefits.
Michel Gort
Lead SEO & Analytics

Only 29% of conversions were measured

As an online marketing agency, Pienter is naturally responsible for the results of various campaigns. This includes reports to the client in which they can account for the work and make results transparent.

Pienter was getting more and more "grumbling" from clients because the reports were giving different numbers than what was actually coming in. The actual conversions were much higher than that reflected in Google Analytics. For one particular client, only 29% of the actual conversions were visible in Google Analytics. A gap of 71%!

Customers themselves are also increasingly asking questions about online privacy. Because of all the current events in the news regarding online privacy and the changes in legislation, web shops want to be sure that everything is done according to the rules in order to avoid problems in the future.

"Server-side tagging from AdPage is a technique that allows more measurement in a privacy-friendly way."


After a workshop to Pienter's team, Server-Side Tagging was rolled out to multiple clients

Michel and his colleagues had been exploring the possibilities of server-side tagging for some time. As experts in the field of online marketing, they saw the need, not only because of declining data availability but also certainly because of changes in privacy.

AdPage came their way at the perfect time. Our tagging experts stopped by Pienter for a substantive workshop on server-side tagging and the solution AdPage offers for it.

During the workshop, Pienter's own Web site was used as a test case. Working with Pienter's team, the entire website was switched to server-side tagging.

Because their confidence in AdPage and their technical knowledge was good, they therefore chose to use AdPage as an Implementation Partner. Meanwhile, the first 5 customers have been migrated. The ambition is to eventually convert all customers to server-side tagging. However, the urgency is not yet sufficiently visible for all customers to take steps now.

"AdPage had a good story, clear understanding. Fine people to work with. The feeling was right away."


After implementing server-side tagging, 65% more conversions are measured

The cooperation between Pienter and AdPage is going well. The influence of server-side tagging is definitely visible. For example, at one webshop the number of conversions recovered from 29% to 94%, an increase of 65%!

A major advantage of server-side tagging is, of course, better measurement. Because there is now more insight into the conversions and therefore the reports are correct again, Pienter can prove their added value even more to their clients. For the client it is obviously very good to see that more conversions are being measured, which also has a positive influence on the campaign results.

In addition to data recovery, another advantage, and perhaps the most important, is privacy. With server-side tagging, you can be sure that your webshop or website complies with the regulations around online privacy. Especially for larger parties, this is extremely important!

Set up server-side tagging

And again, make sure you can accurately measure the visitor journey while ensuring your visitors' privacy.

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