What do you want to use Server-side Tagging for?

The #1 tracking partner for
Marketing Agencies

Implement solid tracking solutions for your clients.

How many requests do you process per month?

For shops that want to prepare for First Party data with server-side tagging.

Billed annually

Everything you need to set up optimal Serverside Tagging:

Collecting First Party
Cookie Recovery
Unique DataLayer

For shops looking to increase their ROAS.

Billed annually

All in Starter plus:

Multi-domain names
Profit on Adspend

For shops that want to apply advanced features.  

Billed annually

All in Performance plus:

Visitor Identity Service
Tracking monitoring
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Linking your current webshop

A direct link allows us to have more insight into your tracking setup so we can collect better data.

CCV shop
Plug & Pay
Collection of data

Extensive data collection to drive the algorithms of leading platforms such as Google and Meta to maximum ROAS.

First-Party data tracker

All visitor data is collected through your own domain name so it is considered First Party. So that is your own data.

Cookie Recovery

When Apple deletes cookies, advanced technology automatically restores them. This cookie recovery is available exclusively for webshop systems such as Shopify, Lightspeed, WooCommerce and Magento.

Unique DataLayer

A comprehensive DataLayer designed specifically for your Shop CMS such as Shopify so you can be sure that data is forwarded correctly to your own server.


Send data, including DataLayer information, directly from your shop system to your server to ensure 100% accurate measurement in Google Analytics 4. This webhook functionality is available for both Shopify and WooCommerce.

Visitor Identity Service

By creating unique IDs in the DataLayer and linking them with other data points, it is possible to link user data.

Product feed integration

Retrieve data from your product feed so you can use it in Google Tag Manager such as cost price, shipping costs, etc.  

Cross Domain Tracking
Transmission of data

Through Google Tag Manager, you work with AdPage's DataLayer, Cookie Recovery, First Party data tracker, and other booster tools.

Google Tag Manager

We link directly to the Google Tag Manager server container. This is hosted within AdPage so you can comply with First Party tracking.

Google Ads API Custom Tag

Forward profit margin and optimize accordingly.

Profit on Ad Spend (POAS).

Forward profit margin and optimize accordingly.

Monitoring data

Did you update your Webshop? Check immediately whether this affects your Tracking Setup.

Accurate Data Monitoring

We link your shop with the Google Analytics 4 events so you can see at a glance if the tracking is going well.

Tracking Alerts

Create rules to send alerts via email or slack. This way you will be instantly informed of Tracking Problems from now on.

Real-time Preview (coming soon)

Monitor live requests so you immediately see what is being forwarded.

User identification

Due to technical and legal measures, proper processing of user information has become essential.

Customer parameters

Increase matching quality for ad channels such as Google, Meta, TikTok, etc.

Marketing Parameters

Better insight for Ads channels such as Google, Meta, TikTok etc.

Custom User ID

Own user ID to do custom setups in Tag Manager.

Customer success and support
Chat support
Telephone support
Customer Success Manager
SLA support
Agency success

Access to the customer success handbook, including marketing, sales, branding, FAQs, and fundamentals.

Customer management dashboard

Access to an Agency account where you can manage your clients at lightning speed.

Affiliate dashboard

Get an overview of all your customers and receive 15% for each customer you refer.


The new standard for

Conversion tracking according to the AVG, optimized by AdPage using Google Tag Manager.


For B2B companies looking to prepare for the cookie-free era with server-side tagging.

Billed annually

Everything you need to set up optimal Serverside Tagging:

CRM link
Robust DataLayer
Multi-domain names
User identification
Cookie Recovery
Profit on Adspend

For B2B parties that depend entirely on robust data.

Billed annually

All in Starter plus:

Tracking monitoring
OpenAI integration
Cross Domain tracking
Real-time reporting

For the most advanced tracking configurations for complete control and flexibility.

Start from
Billed annually

All in Performance plus: 

Custom setup
Server setup with your own standards

Our tracking specialists can set up your Serverside Tagging setup according to the latest standards. You can also choose to do it yourself.

Google Tag Manager server side integration
GA4 and Google Ads implementation
Meta, TikTok and other social channels
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Compare packages
Linking your current webshop

A direct link allows us to have more insight into your tracking setup so we can collect better data.

CCV shop
Plug & Pay
Collection of data

Extensive data collection to drive the algorithms of leading platforms such as Google and Meta to maximum ROAS.

Robust DataLayer

A comprehensive DataLayer designed specifically for your Shop CMS such as Shopify so you can be sure that data is forwarded correctly to your own server.

First-Party data tracker

All visitor data is collected through your own domain name so it is considered First Party. So that is your own data.

User identification

By creating unique IDs in the DataLayer and linking them with other data points, it is possible to link user data.


Send data, including DataLayer information, directly from your shop system to your server to ensure 100% accurate measurement in Google Analytics 4. This webhook functionality is available for both Shopify and WooCommerce.

Cookie Recovery

When Apple deletes cookies, advanced technology automatically restores them. This cookie recovery is available exclusively for webshop systems such as Shopify, Lightspeed, WooCommerce and Magento.

Product feed integration

Retrieve data from your product feed so you can use it in Google Tag Manager such as cost price, shipping costs, etc.  

Cross Domain Tracking
Transmission of data

Through Google Tag Manager, you work with AdPage's DataLayer, Cookie Recovery, First Party data tracker, and other booster tools.

Google Tag Manager

We link directly to the Google Tag Manager server container. This is hosted within AdPage so you can comply with First Party tracking.

Profit on Ad Spend (POAS).

Forward profit margin and optimize accordingly.

Custom integrations

Submit data directly without Google Tag Manager.

Monitoring data

Did you update your Webshop? Check immediately whether this affects your Tracking Setup.

Accurate Data Monitoring

We link your shop with the Google Analytics 4 events so you can see at a glance if the tracking is going well.

Unassigned Traffic

Instant insight into where your unassigned traffic is coming from.

Tracking Alerts

Create rules to send alerts via email or slack. This way you will be instantly informed of Tracking Problems from now on.

Real-time Preview

Monitor live requests so you immediately see what is being forwarded.

OpenAI integration (coming soon)

Ask AI questions about your data. Data is shared encrypted. (GDPR proof)

User identification

Due to technical and legal measures, proper processing of user information has become essential.

Customer parameters

Increase matching quality for ad channels such as Google, Meta, TikTok, etc.

Marketing Parameters

Better insight for Ads channels such as Google, Meta, TikTok etc.

Custom User ID

Own user ID to do custom setups in Tag Manager.

Consent Check

Our DataLayer checks what the Consent Management Platform (Cookiebot, Cookiecode, Cookieyes, etc) forwards so that we comply with the AVG legislation.

Customer success and support
Chat support
Telephone support
Customer Success Manager
SLA support
Agency success

Access to the customer success handbook, including marketing, sales, branding, FAQs, and fundamentals.

Customer management dashboard

Access to an Agency account where you can manage your clients at lightning speed.

Affiliate dashboard

Get an overview of all your customers and receive 15% for each customer you refer.

Receive Tracking Report

Our Tracking Experts will thoroughly analyze your webshop's tracking configuration, including an evaluation of your DataLayer, privacy compliance and implementation of server-side tagging.


Check out the
most frequently asked questions

Find out what questions are often asked by marketers and entrepreneurs.

My webshop is small. Is it interesting for me then?

Sure! Of course, for a small webshop it is just as important to get as much return as possible from every marketing euro. By working with complete data, optimizing campaigns is many times easier. This puts you in a better position to achieve a high ROAS. In addition, it is extra important for small businesses to achieve the highest possible conversion rate. Optimizing the customer journey is an important part of this.

Does permission to place cookies remain necessary to measure everything through?

Yes, the visitor must still accept the cookies if we want to forward personal data so that the advertising platform can match it with a campaign.

Numbers (such as +1 sales) we can send through a webhook even if the visitor refuses the cookies. We just can't then send the user info along.

Will Server Side Tagging make the data in GA4 match reality?

Depending on the platform, we can match the actual numbers with the data in GA4 with minimal margins of error. This allows you to drive campaigns more effectively and determine the optimal customer journey.

What advertising platforms can I link to?

Currently, it is possible to connect with GA4, Google Ads, Meta Ads, TikTok Ads and Pinterest Ads. It is also possible to connect with various email marketing tools. For LinkedIn, a beta is now active, allowing linking. This is currently not fully working yet.

How can I set up Server Side Tagging? 

In most situations, the configurations are performed by your online marketing agency or by our team of experts. While you can do these settings yourself, it requires quite a bit of technical knowledge. We usually recommend that you let us or your marketing agency handle the implementation to ensure that it is done correctly.

What does it get me?

It is impossible to say what it will get you at the bottom of the line in additional revenue. This is because it also depends on other factors, such as the quality of your ads and website. However, complete data provides a boost in sales for almost all of our clients because it becomes easier to feed campaigns with correct data.

Can I pay monthly?

Because we believe it is important to stay ahead in the market, it is essential that we can continue to invest in development. We therefore only offer annual payments.

I already have a server. Can I use it too?

We leverage a custom Proxy Server specifically designed to handle real-time data. This server, not intended for web hosting or data storage, acts as an efficient conduit. Our expertise lies in programming these servers independently, maintaining the highest quality standards. This is why we choose to work exclusively with our own servers. In the case of a personalized setup, such as our enterprise package, we are open to discussing custom server options, if the situation calls for it.